
The 1st International Conference on Environmental and Natural Resources Management


Environmental  and Natural Resources Management in adapting and mitigating the culmination of New Indonesian Capital.


The 1st International Seminar on Environmental and Natural Resources Management, ENRM examines essential strategies for addressing environmental challenges linked to Indonesia’s new capital. There is a pressing need to evaluate how environmental and natural resources management can sustain the urban transformation’s long-term viability. 

The capital relocation offers a significant opportunity for sustainable development implementation. Integrating ENRM within urban planning requires a data-driven, comprehensive approach to effectively manage natural resources. Neglecting ENRM may worsen issues like deforestation and water scarcity. Comparative regional studies illustrate the negative outcomes of inadequate environmental planning. Thus, the new capital stands as a pivotal arena for assessing ENRM’s effectiveness in extensive urban developments. 

Analysing global ENRM practices can provide crucial insights for Indonesia’s new capital. Furthermore, ENRM must integrate social dimensions alongside technological solutions. Indigenous populations and local communities are vital stakeholders whose knowledge can enhance sustainable management. To effectively manage environmental and natural resources in the new capital, a comprehensive policy framework is essential. Policymakers should establish regulations that foster sustainable development and equitable resource distribution through a multi-stakeholder approach. We are seeking to capture the potential gaps from academics’ perspective and reflecting those to achieve the Indonesian common goals to build new civilization.


  1. Urban planning (Sustainable urban planning and development, Smart city technologies for environmental monitoring and Renewable energy)
  2. Biodiversity Conservation (wildlife habitat,  bioprospecting, pharmacognosy, and Biotechnology)
  3. Agriculture, aquaculture, agroforestry and community engagement in environmental stewardships
  4. Climate: Water resource management, climate resilience and adaptation
  5. Education 5.0: Curriculum, Inclusion Education and Linguistic (local wisdom and language barrier with newcomers)
  6. Medicine, community health

Date, Time and venue :

Date                        : 23 November 2024, 

Time                        : 08.00 (Indonesian local time), 

Venue                    : Ballroom Pusat Pengembangan dan Inovasi IPTEK (PPIIG) Universitas 

  Palangka Raya

Mode                      : Hybrid (on-site and zoom platform)

Keynote speaker: 

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wiwandari Handayani (Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Diponegoro University)

Invited speaker:

  1. Dr. Meine van Noordwijk*, Netherland;  World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF; CGIAR) -Forests, Trees and Agroforestry 
  2. Prof. Akira Mori*, Kyoto University – Ethology
  3. Prof. Mohd. Hafiz Dzarfan Othman*, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia – Polymer Technology
  4. Prof. Meng-Jen Lee*, Chaoyang Unversity of  Technology –  Pharmocology

*To be confirmed

Participants     : 

  1. Practitioners, scientists (incl. Lecturers)
  2. Students (Bachelors, Masters and PhDs)

Type of presentations:

  1. Oral presentations
  2. Student Posters’ competition (SPC)

Call for papers:

15 Sep – 5 Oct 2024

Abstract submission:

  1. Early Birds: 15 – 30 Oktober 2024; accepted notification: 01 Nov 2024
  2. Regular       : 02 November; accepted notification: 15 November 2024.


Registration fee for oral presenters (publication fee not included) : 

  1. Practitioners, scientists (incl. Lecturers): IDR. 500.000,00
  2. Grad. Student (Masters and PhDs) : IDR. 400.000,00
  3. Bachelor student : IDR. 200.000,00 

Non-Presenters participants:

  1. Graduate student of Program Pascasarjana (PPs) UPR (Free of Charge)
  2. Non-PPs  Rp. 150.000,-

Conference Proceeding (other payments applied):

  1. E3S (Scopus Q4)*
  2. Journal UPR1*
  3. Journal UPR2*
  4. Journal UPR3*

*To be confirmed

Abstract template for Oral Presentations: ICENRM Abstract Template